real estate agent
Image – Canva.
  • Real estate agents add value to a property transaction
  • Allows for the removal of emotion during what is a major transaction
  • Nothing can replace the hands-on ability of the expert agent to negotiate a win-win

There is a reason why industrial disputes, hostages and hijack situations all have trained negotiators or middle people to mediate between parties.

Real estate is a classic example of how an independent party can add value.

First of all, it takes any personality or feelings out of the transaction to ensure that it is conducted along a commercially pragmatic line free of emotion.

By having a third party negotiate between both parties it is an ideal way of leaving emotional factors out of the deal.

Obviously, a real estate agent brings enormous marketing expertise and knowledge in promoting the property to ensure that it is marketed in the best light, to the greatest number of purchasers, to achieve the highest and best result for the seller.

As a specialist within the field, your agent is dealing everyday with prospective purchasers and sellers and should be able to diligently guide you n how to maximise your return in a very grounded marketplace.

Finally, understanding the legal ramifications of holding deposits or white any and building inspection requirements, finance causes, diligence and zoning enquiries and a myriad of many other associated points, is the reason it is so beneficial to have an agent operating on your behalf.

Agents are sometimes viewed as a cost of a couple of percent of a transaction their fees, whereas the right agent should add many times more their fee to the transaction to the benefit of the seller.

Having knowledge and expertise to advise on the best way to present your property to the market along with firsthand knowledge of suitable trades people to use in bringing the property up to saleable standard.

There’s a reason why companies such as Purple Bricks go bankrupt or represent a very small portion of the selling market.

Finally, giving the seller peace of mind to be free of hassles, worries involved within the sale of the property is the other added benefit as they guide you through marketing to settlement.

As the proliferation of websites and self-marketing continues, nothing can replace the hands-on ability of the expert agent to negotiate a win-win to ensure the transaction occurs for the full benefit of the seller.

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