- The 250-acre property features a two-bedroom off-grid home
- The two runways come with a silo tunnel hanger
- Located 15 minutes away from the coastal town of Lancelin
For significantly less than the median house price in Sydney or Melbourne, you can purchase a 250-acre off the grid home about one and a half hours north of Perth.
However, the property has a very unique feature. In fact, two.
An aviator’s dream, the property is complete with two runways – along with a silo tunnel hanger.
The Sappers Road, Nilgen property has a two-bedroom house off-grid house powered by solar panels, with a backup diesel generator.
Additionally, the property is just 15 minutes from the popular beach town of Lancelin.

Given the off-the-grid lifestyle, the owner said the only bill is the council rates, which equate to around $1,600 annually.
“It feels so good living off the grid not once ever having a utility bill, never having to be concerned what bill the postman has next,” the owner, Michael Brouse, told The Property Tribune.

The advertisement for the property refers to all-year-round feed for cattle and sheep, clean bore water, fruit and veggie garden, pens, a chicken hut and a large workshop.
“I am fortunate in that most of my neighbours are farmers producing … for the supermarkets, and once initially having made first contact, they all said come in anytime and help yourself to our veggies.
“I have veggie farmers, mango and olives farmers surrounding me.”
Mr Brouse said that living in the country was something he had always wanted to and regretted he didn’t do so earlier.
He added that like most pilots, he wanted to have his own airfield, and it was through sheer determination and hard work he achieved this.
“Most people jump in their cars to go and see friends, not me,” he said.
“I walk over to my hangar 200 metres from my house, refuel and fire up my aircraft and away I go into the blue yonder taking in the beauty of my earthly surroundings.”
While the owner noted it will be sad to see the property go, his next property will be in the country, also off-grid.
The property is currently listed for $675,000.