Works begin on Thursday Island’s hospital revamp. Image: Canva
  • Works begin today on a $46 million revamping of Thursday Island Hospital
  • The project is a part of the government's goal to 'Close the Gap'
  • Works will continue until late 2022

Construction begins today on the $46 million redevelopments of Queensland’s Thursday Island Hospital and Primary Healthcare Centre.

Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Yvette D’Ath recently visited the site. She says the investment is a part of the government’s goal to ‘Close the Gap’.

“This will support the Palaszczuk Government’s goal of ‘Closing the Gap’ in health outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders and non-Indigenous Queenslander.”

Yvette D’Ath, Minister for Health and Ambulance Services

“Our investment on Thursday Island, together with the rest of our multi-million-dollar health investment in the Torres Strait region, will ensure health staff have the highest quality facilities from which to deliver their vital services,” she says.

The upgraded hospital will have 31 inpatient beds, five outpatient rooms, seven emergency department spaces and an operating there with four recovery spaces.

Improvements to birthing and pregnancy spaces are also a priority with a new birthing suite featuring a birthing pool along with additional procedural space that can also be used for emergency birthing.

The hospital will boast an enhanced medical imaging department with space for the future installation of a CT scanner.

Staff’s ability to manage infectious diseases will be improved with an extra negative pressure isolation room.

The revamped healthcare centre will feature 22 consultation, treatment and interview rooms as well as five dental surgeries.

The first stage of works at the hospital will include a refurbishment of ward areas, construction of a new operating theatre and a staged roof replacement.”

Yvette D’Ath, Minister for Health and Ambulance Services

“As part of this process, the inpatient ward at Thursday Island Hospital will be relocated to another part of the hospital to allow works to get underway in the main ward area.

“While a core group of staff will remain at the primary healthcare centre, the bulk of staff and services have been relocated offsite for the duration of the redevelopment.

Thursday Island is off the coast of Queensland. Image: Canva

Hutchinson Builders are the principal contractor for construction.

Member for Cook Cynthia Lui believes the works will create around 53 equivalent full-time jobs throughout construction.

“The redevelopment of the hospital and primary healthcare centre will improve primary and secondary healthcare in the region,’’ Ms Lui said.

“The projects also will provide space for future service expansion and enable better integration of health service delivery into the communities across the Torres Strait.”

Cynthia Lui, memeber for Cook

Works on the healthcare centre are expected to be completed early next year while the hospital will be fully redeveloped by the end of 2022.

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