(L->R) Bart Doff, D’Leanne Lewis, Danny Doff and Sally Hampshire. Image supplied.
  • A young Bart Doff opened the eastern suburbs business on 1 July 1981
  • Bart remains a Principal of the Laing+Simmons Double Bay, along with son Danny
  • Other Principals include D’Leanne Lewis, Steven Zoellner and Sally Hampshire

One of the network’s best performing offices, Laing+Simmons Double Bay celebrated its ruby anniversary yesterday, having opened for business on 1 July 1981.

At the time of a Royal Wedding and Botham’s Ashes, a young Bart Doff had been working in the Laing+Simmons Potts Point business for about 18 months when the opportunity arose to take the reins of the new Double Bay office.

While the market today is unrecognisable to 40 years ago, some fundamentals remain true: the enduring appeal of Sydney’s prestige eastern suburbs markets, and the Doff name on the Laing+Simmons Double Bay door.

Bart remains a Principal of the Laing+Simmons Double Bay business, along with his son Danny Doff, D’Leanne Lewis, Steven Zoellner and Sally Hampshire.

D’Leanne Lewis is also one of the presenters of Amazon’s new high-end property show, Luxe Listings Sydney, which goes to air this month.

“This is the opportune time to thank our team and most importantly, our customers, many of whose property journey has aligned with our own,” Mr Doff said.

“The current market is performing at a level that eclipses anything else I’ve experienced. Prices have risen steeply, houses and larger apartments in particular are in huge demand, our database of buyers looking for top-end homes is very healthy, and the only issue is the shortage of stock.

“As eager as families are to move into the local area, the willingness of locals to downsize to apartments in the east is supporting new development projects and helping the market tick over.

“At this stage, lockdown aside, there has been no evidence of any easing in demand or price growth. The outlook remains extremely positive.”

Laing+Simmons CEO Leanne Pilkington congratulated the Double Bay team on the rare milestone.

Leanne Pilkington
Leanne Pilkington, Managing Director Laing+Simmons

“Laing+Simmons Double Bay is an eastern suburbs icon, not just in real estate but across all industries. Few local businesses have had so measurable an impact on the growth and evolution of the local area,” Ms Pilkington said.

“For any business, 40 years is an amazing achievement, but for Laing+Simmons
Double Bay, it feels as though there are many more milestones ahead.”

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