Tenants are having a difficult time in the current rental market. Image – Canva
  • Neat, clean and low maintenance properties the most ideal for tenants
  • Ensuite tops the list
  • Followed by reverse cycle air conditioning

It goes without saying that tenants find neat, clean and low maintenance rentals far more appealing.

To enhance the rentability of your property and the returns achievable, we surveyed our tenant base during the last quarter and conceived a short list of what tenants find the most worthy in a property.

With current Covid complications, it is advisable not to simply have top quality photos, but to move towards a 3DMatterport video tour and floor plans that can place your property ahead of the others.

  1. Ensuite or at minimum separate water closet (i.e separate toilet)
  2. Reverse cycle air conditioning
  3. If furnished, only supply furniture that is in good condition and reasonably modern and neutral
  4. Car parking
  5. High-speedeed internet and Foxtel access
  6. Built-in in robes
  7. Dishwasher
  8. Internal laundry (i.e not common facilities)
  9. Generally low maintenance throughout, such as gardens and courtyard areas
  10. Modern kitchen and bathrooms
  11. Storage shed

Whether your property is a house or an apartment, most of this applies.

So, when considering the best option of rental premises, bear in mind in descending order these points.

Obviously, the two major factors, other than presentation, will be price and location.

So to clarify this completely, always seek professional advice.

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