Buying and Selling Negotiating property: 11. Have alternatives Bushy Martin provides the final word on the art of negotiation Bushy Martin12 May 2021, 3:54 pm
Buying and Selling Negotiating property: 10. It’s not just price In his penultimate, Bushy Martin talks non-price factors Bushy Martin30 April 2021, 10:13 am
Buying and Selling Negotiating property: 8. Starts at hello When negotiating, be smart by acting dumb, writes Bushy Martin Bushy Martin14 April 2021, 11:18 am
Buying and Selling Optimising the auction reserve price There is a science and art to setting the auction reserve price Charl Morkel19 March 2021, 9:59 am
Buying and Selling Negotiating property: 2. Build good rapport Bushy Martin explains how to build rapport in a property negotiation Bushy Martin16 March 2021, 2:14 pm
Buying and Selling Residential Why some property buyers always struggle Take the emotion out of buying to win the deal Ben Plohl16 February 2021, 12:13 pm