proptech radio show
The Proptech Radio Show launched last year. Image supplied.
  • The show is recorded at the one-year old Perth Proptech Hub
  • A cohost of the show included this publications former editor, Charlie Gunningham
  • Prash Nayar reviews his favourite guests of the show's inaugural season

From the days the doors open at the Proptech Hub, I knew we were in for a roller coaster of a ride with a new radio show aptly titled Perth Proptech Radio Show.

To find Russell Harrower of DrN1 managing the audio visual system, Cullum Ashton of Proptech Hub laying out A4 printouts, Sarah Mahony of Safety Bay Settlements setting up her branded goodies and Charlie Gunningham (former Managing Editor of The Property Tribune ) prepping the microphone, I knew this was something special. 

After an uproarious season ending in 2021, Season 2 is in full swing on Spotify, Apple Tunes and DrN1’s site – not to forget tons of bloopers and moments to remember!

We continue to chat to Western Australian property technology start ups, and have been fortunate to meet some incredible people. 

Here’s a few words from the Cullum Ashton, General Manager of PropTech Hub WA:

“Increasing more registered PropTech companies in WA, more investment in these local companies and more staff employed in WA PropTech’s than anywhere else in Australia is our vision for the Proptech Hub”.

We list our favourite guests from Season 1 and a few words about them. 

Realty Assist

RealtyAssist Australia provides the real estate sector with financial services to make life easier. Services include assistance with cash flow, conversion of listings, and tenancy lease applications.
“Really Assist Australia is an interesting PropTech member. I see this company becoming a giant in finance for real estate and contraction. A great team overall!

Openn Negotation

Openn is a platform that facilitates real time communication and negotiation in a property transaction.
“Being able buy and sell their properties with an digital auction process through Openn app from their couches, this team has now expanded to the US and been a great success story for Western Australia PropTech


Udrew is the world’s first building technology platform that makes designing, planning and building your own projects faster and more affordable.
“It is a crowd favourite for many in the local WA proptech community  and has grown from strength to strength with a great leader behind the company, often an audience favourite at local events


TeckStack is a blockchain consulting firm that also educates organisations and industry on the impact and opportunities arising from blockchain technology, and how these changes may influence careers and professional roles. 
To date over 180 W.A. real estate professionals have attended Teckstack’s comprehensive training – enabling them to become innovative leaders in their future job roles.
Hosted and supported by REIWA, in 2021,  TeckStack launched the first Blockchain for Real Estate course (7 CPD points). This team successfully ran three sessions in 2021.

I was fortunate to be part of the consulting team sharing knowledge on tokenization in real estate and blockchain applications in the property industry. 

PropTech in WA is on the rise and we all have a home right here – in the heart of Perth CBD.
Charlie, Sarah, Cullum and Prash at the Freo Start Up Fest 2021
L to R: Charlie Gunningham, Sarah Mahony , Cullum Ashton and Prash Nayar at the Freo Startup Fest 2021. Image supplied.


As disclosed in the article, Charlie Gunningham was previously the managing editor for The Property Tribune

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