- 12 month land rent reprieve offered by QLD government
- Will be automatically processed
- Those eligible won't have to pay rent until 1 July 2022
The Queensland state government has provided drought assistance measures to more than 8,000 Queensland state land lessees via a 12-month land rent reprieve.
Resources Minister Scott Stewart said the move follows much of Queensland being officially drought declared.
“More than $26.5 million in annual land rent is being deferred for primary production leases, licences and permits in the drought declared areas for the next 12 months,”
Scott Stewart, Resources Minister
“While the wet season has brought needed relief for some areas of Queensland, there are still 40 local governments drought declared.”
Eligible landholders will not have to lift a finger in order to receive the assistance, Minister Stewart added.
“To make this process as easy as possible eligible landholders have had their rent automatically deferred, they don’t have to do anything further to take up this offer of assistance.”
Minister Stewart also said more than 8,000 primary producers on leased state land won’t have to pay land rent until 1 July 2022.
The assistance measures come as Queensland looks towards economic recovery following the pandemic.
“Our farmers are vital to Queensland’s plan for economic recovery and we are doing everything we can to support landholders during this tough time.”
Landholders still suffering hardship after this deferral period can seek further hardship assistance by applying online.