Business & Industry How to get youth involved in our urban future Younger Australians may be tolerating high-density living rather than choosing the lifestyle, with youth voices in urban planning key to developing more suitable living spaces for the future Gemma Osiejak28 November 2022, 11:11 am
Finance Is your home loan still right for you? Harry Bozin explains what to consider when refinancing Harry Bozin29 September 2021, 3:47 pm
Media Interest rates held at 0.1% for fifth month The RBA suggested they may not rise until 2024 “at the earliest” Charlie Gunningham06 April 2021, 1:55 pm
Residential Is social housing the solution to Australia’s housing headache? Economic stability in Australia may be at risk according to a new survey. Anneke de Boer15 February 2021, 11:09 am
Finance Record low home loan rate hits the market Greater Bank now offers a 1.69% home loan rate, for one year only Anneke de Boer12 February 2021, 1:48 pm
Media Australia’s monetary policy to be scrutinised The RBA’s ongoing ‘QE’ monetary policy will be questioned Sebastian Tofts-Len04 February 2021, 1:37 pm
Finance Low interest rates and Best Interest Duties should boost borrower confidence in 2021 The new ‘Best Interests Duty’ law now gives mortgage brokers a legal interest to act in the best interests of clients Harry Bozin03 February 2021, 11:35 am
Market Insights Media Interest rates to remain at 0.1%: RBA Interest rates look likely to remain at historically low levels Charlie Gunningham02 February 2021, 12:51 pm