Solving the mysteries of the settlement process: Part 3

Jules Lewin explores some of the finer details of settlement such as insurance and Titles

Solving the mysteries of the settlement process: Part 2

Jules Lewin delves into settlement questions such as: When am I entitled to possession?

Solving the mysteries of the settlement process: Part 1

Jules Lewin delves into some of the big questions including: When do you get the keys?

What is a reverse mortgage?

Only a few lenders offer this arrangement, with payment made upon the death or sale of property

Avoiding problems when dealing with unknown parties

Do due diligence before entering into contracts with other parties to avoid any problems advises Jules Lewin

Choosing a mortgage broker from a settlement agent’s perspective

Jules Lewin provides some tips

Retaining your property records and using the correct entity

Jules Lewin has tips on keeping records upon the purchase of a property

Using trusts in your will

Important to ensure your property is managed professionally, notes lawyer Jules Lewin

Why make a will?

Property needs to be clearly defined in a will, writes Jules Lewin

The contract to purchase property in WA

Jules Lewin breaks down the elements of property contracts