How long does a home loan pre-approval take?

Home loan pre-approval typically takes three weeks, with larger banks taking longer

Here’s how much you can borrow for an investment property

A couple both on an average income can borrow around $800,000

Here’s how much you need for a house deposit

Home deposits are typically 20%, but there are cases where you can pay less and avoid lenders mortgage insurance

Comparing 2-year fixed home loan rates to other options

Some rates seem cheaper, but most Australians are still choosing to go variable

How do 3-year fixed home loan rates compare to other loans?

Fixed terms for five years and less tend to be fairly priced, according to experts

5 year fixed home loan rates desired by one in two Australian borrowers

Many wished they had locked in lower rates for longer, particularly as rates have soared

Home Loan Interest Rates: Variable and fixed rate gap narrows past pre-Covid levels

The gap was almost 1% at its widest in late 2020, and has since halved

Fixed home loan rates set to expire and end the era of cheap money

Over one in two Aussies wished they fixed their low fixed rates in for longer