- The report aims to establish design and assessment principals across NSW
- Includes repealing and replacing two pieces of legislation surrounding housing development
- Getting balance between productivity and feasibility crucial, says Property Council
The Property Council of Australia (PCA) has welcomed the New South Wales government’s response to the recent Design and Place SEPP Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) report.
The report aims to establish design and assessment principles for both urban and regional New South Wales and replace two pieces of legislation surrounding the design and sustainability of housing development in NSW.
“Great design is everyone’s business. It supports safer, healthier
and inclusive communities and is fundamental to achieving a
more sustainable and prosperous future.”Rob Stokes, Minister for Planning
NSW Acting Director of the Property Council, Lauren Conceicao, said that while she supports the aims of the report, she has reservations over its change and its impact.
“We strongly support the objectives of the Design and Place SEPP to ensure sustainable, well-designed buildings, cities, towns and streets,” Ms Conceicao said.
“Balancing productivity and feasibility in requirements for design and sustainability considerations, particularly in relation to the Apartment Design Guide and housing affordability is critical for the success of the policy.
“It is important to get this balance right and we will continue to work with Government to address issues to ensure strong investment to increase much needed housing supply.”
Lauren Conceicao, Property Council NSW Acting Director
She said the policy must be tempered against the potential for development costs to increase, which she warned could further escalate housing affordability “which is impacting upon the quality of life of many Australians.”
Regardless, she acknowledged the government’s commitment to the guide which she said will facilitate innovative and sustainable apartment designs.
“It is pleasing that the Minister acknowledges the implementation of this important work has the potential to significantly impact on housing affordability and feasibility of residential development of projects and invested in getting this right,” she said.
The New South Wales government is currently undertaking further economic modelling on the proposed plan to determine impacts to the commercial feasibility and of the proposals. The draft will be on for public exhibition later in the year.