Property Council NSW backs independent planning panels

The panels approved $17B worth of developments last year

Landcom chooses Link Wentworth Housing to develop affordable houses

Key workers have been priced out of local markets

$332M Metro development in northwest Sydney approved

Development has been welcomed by the Property Coucnil

Property Council welcomes NSW apartment design review

Balance is needed to avoid a decline in housing affordability

NSW: Development applications all go online

$91B of investment has gone through the government portal

Task force and rezoning to boost NSW housing supply

18,000 new homes will be delivered in south-west Sydney

Rezonings the ‘tip of the iceberg’ to meet demand

NSW needs more greenfield housing, says new report

10,000 more affordable rentals for Sydney

Developments need to make a financial or floor space contribution

NSW to accelerate development of warehouses

Data centres and warehouses are in high demand

11km Sydney foreshore walk completed

The last 300-metre section was finished this week

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