Finding Australia’s cheapest properties with huge investment potential

Hotspotting share the undervalued locations likely to boom.

Australian property markets getting a second wind

See the Australian locations experiencing renewed property price growth.

Is the regional Victorian real estate market where Australia’s next property boom will be?

Recent sales data points towards the possible start of a new cycle in regional Victoria.

Investors underestimate the power of the Adelaide market

Predicted to tank after car manufacturing left the shores of Adelaide, it’s economy has bounced back to be the best in the country.

Regional Victoria’s housing market is still kicking goals

In his latest contribution, Hotspotting general manager, Tim Graham notes regional Victoria continues to perform well.

Inner Brisbane unit and townhouse demand soars as buyers search for affordable homes, but supply remains scarce

Unit price growth in Inner Brisbane eclipsed movement on house prices.

Melbourne on pace to dethrone Perth as the strongest property performer in 2024

Perth’s property market momentum slows while Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane’s rises, according to the Hotspotting Price Predictor Index.