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When will Australian property prices fall? One major challenge continues to prop prices up

Property prices are up by over 35% across the country since Covid, and while not the same story in each city, that’s little solace to prospective buyers pulling their hair out.

Strata properties as investments: All you need to know about investing in a Perth unit

As the cost of renting approaches the cost of a mortgage, more people are investing in units to escape the rental trap.

Melbourne property market sees mom and dad builders flock to outer suburbs for the best bang for buck

The cost of building a house in these top 20 suburbs started at $272,944 and topped out at $387,688.

Reserve Bank keeps rates on hold at 4.35% for March meeting

The hold was largely predicted, with many experts expecting a rate cut towards the end of this year.

Gender gap closes? Women outpace men in overall property ownership

Challenges persist for younger women in achieving homeownership, highlighting the need for targeted solutions.

Australia’s regional property market records quarterly home price rise of 1.2%, outpacing the capital cities

Some of the strongest performers were dotted across Western Australia and Queensland.

Australia’s house values have surged since COVID-19, leaving units in the dust

House prices have skyrocketed, leaving units trailing behind as pandemic-driven demand reshapes the real estate landscape.

Why are home values declining in Melbourne despite a housing crisis?

Though housing has been scarce, some dwelling markets have notably dropped in value, fuelling misperceptions of an easing demand for housing.

How did Brisbane’s median housing values overtake Melbourne?

Brisbane has yet to reach its full potential, with significant population growth and an Olmypic Games to come.

Growth in construction costs may have normalised

Ezzy noted that the pace of CCCI growth this year could be shaped by a few factors, such as the national dwelling approval levels.