Income and asset limits for SA social housing slashed

Single households can now only have up to $48,250 in assets

Over 300 vulnerable South Australians in short-term accommodation

The state government worked closely with the homelessness sector

100 affordable SA homes ready for housewarming

The SA government plan for affordable homes completed

SA increases homeless funding to $72.4M

Recently announced homelessness measures come into effect today

South Australia launches Aboriginal housing strategy

Government has committed $83M to the strategy

SA homelessness reforms under fire

Reforms are part of a $550M housing and homelessness strategy

All but one ‘affordable apartments’ sold in a day

This is the first Nightingale project undertaken in SA

70% of new affordable homes sold: SA Gov

The first 100 of 1000 houses under the Affordable Homes Program

SA top state for social housing

SA’s social housing is almost double proportion of Victoria

Adelaide announces more affordable housing

South Australian government to partner with developers